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Monthly Archives: December 2019

Challenges Faced By The Book Publishing Industry

Challenges Faced By The Book Publishing Industry

Progressing into the digital era has led to a radical change in the way books are published. We have seen paperbacks and hardbound transition into eBooks and kindle. With the increasing popularity of eBooks, the sales of physical books are reducing. One thing is definite, publishers using traditional tools cannot survive the digital disruption. Publishing […]

How To Publish A Book In India

How To Publish A Book In India

There are hundreds of thousands of new books published every year. So how do you maximise your chances of turning your manuscript into a published book? As an aspiring writer, navigating the publishing process may seem complex to you. To make your first steps of turning your manuscripts into bestsellers a little easier, you must […]

Five Editorial Style Guides To Distinguish You As A Writer

Five editorial style guides to distinguish you as a writer

The right style guide can make or break the effectiveness of your writing for its intended audience. Style guides are a blueprint that covers the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, terminology, formatting, abbreviations, slangs, capitalizations, industry-specific words, and phrases. It assists in keeping the voice, tone, and communication consistent throughout the book. The specific instructions and […]

Five Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Publishing

Five Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Publishing

When it comes to publishing your book, it is vital to meticulously go through every detail as opposed to rushing through the process. It is easier to fix mistakes before your book is published. There are various publishing models to assist you in publishing your manuscript and making the activities of writing, publishing, distributing and […]

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