Language Format and Guidelines
The Oxford Style Guide:
The University style guide is the house style of The Oxford University and is meant for use and reference when writing or editing material for University publications. Over a period, this has become one of the most respected style guides for the usage of UK English.
The Economist Style Guide:
The Economist Style Guide is the house style of the British newspaper, The Economist. Although the style guide was originally meant for journalism, it has many users across industries and can be adopted by writers as well. This guide could be followed for manuscripts with focus on crisp content rather than description and narrative.
The Chicago Manual of style:
The Chicago Manual of Style is one of most respected style guides for American English. This style guide, published by the University of Chicago Press, is extensively used for fiction and non-fiction publications in the USA and elsewhere.
Proofreading is a virtual necessity for a manuscript about to be published to ensure that a ‘clean’ (error-free) manuscript is sent to the printer or the e-book processor. Proofreading is done at the final stage of a manuscript where detail-oriented language experts check the text for typos and basic grammatical and spelling errors. Proofreaders also make sure the appearance of the book is uniform and pleasing and that the style sheet has been followed faithfully.
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Basic Editing
If your manuscript has evolved to the point where your storyline, the structure and flow of your ideas and the characterisation on aspects of your manuscript are just right, but the language could be polished further, then the Basic Editing package is for you.
Basic editing or copy editing involves an Editor going through the manuscript line by line and cleaning up grammatical, phrasing and punctuation errors, re-writing a few words if need be, while making sure a specified house style is followed. Copy editing ensures reduction of grammatical and spelling mistakes, incorrect usages, repetitions and clichés, long sentences, and jargon. What evolves is a polished uniformity of tone and writing style, voice, sentence structure, and phrasing which follows international publishing standards.
1 – 3 weeks depending on the length of the manuscript
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Extensive Editing
If your manuscript is one which would profit from a detailed study by an objective authority in the domain who could help you with each aspect of the craft, the Extensive Editing Package is perfect for you. In this collaborative process, an Editor reviews your manuscript thoroughly and works actively with you to create a market-ready book. Suppose your manuscript has a few plot-holes, logical issues, contradictions, limited or inconsistent characterisation, factual errors or syntactical problems, the Editor will be able to analyse the issues and chalk out a way forward.
The Editor will make sure scenes are tightened up, that the language is spot on and will check if an interesting chapter or section should be brought forward or moved back. The service includes but is not limited to – the rearranging, deleting, adding and rewording of entire pages and chapters. This enhances the readability of the book, adding up to the best possible journey for the reader through the world of your story or ideas.
Encompassing aspects of Structural, Developmental and Copy Editing, the Extensive Editing package provides a full suite of editorial attention for your book.
4 – 6 weeks depending on the length of the manuscript
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Free Evaluation
If you would like to receive feedback on the editing requirements of your manuscript, you can do the following :
Send a synopsis and a few chapters from your manuscript to
[email protected]
We will get back to you in 72 working hours with feedback.
Alternatively, you can get a detailed sample evaluation with track changes in your manuscript (up to 3500 words).
To do so, Click here.