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Category Archives: Meet our Authors

“If you have the passion to write, bring it out. Everyone can be a writer but only a few of them can connect it to the mass.”:Baishali Deb, Author of “Escape and Fly”

At what age did you start writing? I don’t remember at what age exactly I started writing. It all began from my school days which later on became my passion. Name a few authors/ books that you personally admire the most (Fiction/Non-Fiction). If you’d ever get to meet these authors, what is the one question […]

“Start writing for yourself before you do for readers”: Bhavin Shastri, Author of “Lock Down-21, Me to Messiah”

At what age did you start writing? Writing is not an incident that occurs all of a sudden. It is a journey, a process that takes a complete churning of soul. A writer grows over a period of time within an individual, however, it starts as an observer. For me it is an ongoing progression, […]

“We all have that one unique song inside each of us & it’s not fair to show up at the finale with that song still unsung”:Ayon Banerjee

At what age did you start writing? From as long as I remember. Writing has been my unwind button since my high school & university days where I would double up as a columnist as well as the editor for the annual magazines ( I was very serious about it 😊 ) . I’ve also […]

Don’t Write What’s Easy To Sell, Write What You Won’t Mind Picking Up From That Airport-Bookshop”: Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Sharma

At what age did you start writing? I remember I had started writing poems pretty early when I was in 5th-6th Standard. One of my poems got published in the magazine Kadambini (Published by HT media) much later and a few essays here and there. Name a few authors/ books that you personally admire the […]

“Keep reading as much and keep writing. Let your thoughts flow.” : Sonia Sahijwani Saini, Author of “Yours Legally”


Sonia Saini About Her Latest Released Book And Her Thoughts About Self Publishing.   At what age did you start writing? Writing was my passion since childhood and I wrote my first articles for my school magazine when I was in Class 5th. Name a few authors/ books that you personally admire the most (Fiction/Non-Fiction). If […]

“Write What You Want To Write And Not What Others Want To Read!”: Nidra Naik On Her Journey As An Author

nidra naik

Nidra Naik On Her Journey As An Author   At what age did you start writing? I remember having written my first poem in class 7 of my elementary schooling in Cuttack. The poem was lyrical and was based on a girl who was handicapped and how she’s perceived in the world. To tell you […]

“The journey of an author is full of ups and downs, but it’s important to hold on”: Aritra Chakrabarty shares tips for aspiring writers

Introspection - Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

At what age did you start writing? I used to write short stories and poetry since I was in school. Emoting through words has always been my area of interest. Name a few authors/ books that you personally admire the most (Fiction/Non-Fiction). If you’d ever get to meet these authors, what is the one question […]

“I wish I had the power to fly”: Belly Kanungo on writing rituals, her journey as an author, and much more!

Belly Kanungo on her latest book, "Emotivity"

At what age did you start writing? My parents have a keen interest in writing. They have inspired me to write. However, for them, it was just a hobby. Eventually, I also started writing from the age of 13-14 years old. I started participating in writing competitions and soon realized that writing is something that […]

“Write to express, not impress”: Manjula Reddy on her poetry collection

Manjula Reddy on her latest book, "She Writes"

At what age did you start writing?  As a child, I read quite a lot. So the writing came quite naturally to me. I had a few pen-pals in different countries, and corresponding with them was fun. I learned to express myself and describe aspects of our culture on limited space on a postcard, an […]

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