The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that is required to uniquely identify a book. You must have noticed the ISBN, on the back cover of a book, next to the barcode. On some books, the ISBN can be found on the page featuring the copyright and publisher information. Acquiring an ISBN […]
Category Archives: Book Publishing Landscape
Progressing into the digital era has led to a radical change in the way books are published. We have seen paperbacks and hardbound transition into eBooks and kindle. With the increasing popularity of eBooks, the sales of physical books are reducing. One thing is definite, publishers using traditional tools cannot survive the digital disruption. Publishing […]
There are hundreds of thousands of new books published every year. So how do you maximise your chances of turning your manuscript into a published book? As an aspiring writer, navigating the publishing process may seem complex to you. To make your first steps of turning your manuscripts into bestsellers a little easier, you must […]
When it comes to publishing your book, it is vital to meticulously go through every detail as opposed to rushing through the process. It is easier to fix mistakes before your book is published. There are various publishing models to assist you in publishing your manuscript and making the activities of writing, publishing, distributing and […]
Innovation is the requisition of evolution, and at the helm of all innovation is the Digitalization of traditional industries. Publishing has been one of the oldest industries known to mankind and it’s evolving rapidly. They are now equally involved in exploring the transformative ways in which their audience can consume the content published. Publishers and […]
“Expectation is the root of all heartache” – William Shakespeare And that’s exactly where content creators suffer. They expect the very best of their work every single time. This means every new piece of content has to be better than the previous one. Now we know a lot goes into creating even a single piece […]
How to pitch to a traditional publisher? The path from writing a book to seeing it make the shelf in bookstores can be a complex and lengthy one. The publishing industry can be a little intimidating for a first-time author. This post will lay out the publishing process that one can adhere to while pitching […]
How To Evaluate Your Book Idea? You have writing ideas – whether it came to you spontaneously while on vacation, or was caused by a particular action, process, or situation. Reading something can stimulate the process, or a conscious development of passive thinking and research over weeks, months, sometimes even years – there it is: […]
Why Most Self Published Authors Fail? Product issues: Unedited / Poorly Edited books: Most self-published books are published with little or no professional editing. It is quite common for typos or grammatical and syntactical mistakes to be found in the final edition of a do-it-yourself book, no matter how many rounds of self-edits an author […]
This is a blog of verified truths by experts and attempts to hold a balanced perspective of every key stakeholder in the book publishing industry. We interacted with several Best Selling Authors, Best- in-Class Traditional Book Publishers, Commissioning Editors, Self Published Authors, Co-Published Authors, Self Publishers, Literary Agents, Online Book Retailers, Offline Book Stores (Brick […]
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