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How Important is a Great Book Cover Design?
Despite the old saying, ”don’t judge a book by its cover,” it has been proven that a professional and engaging book cover design is one of the vital book selling factors. Whether you realise it or not, it’s true that a poor cover may lead to potential loss of sales as most of the readers certainly do judge a book by its cover.
In today’s competitive market where every author is competing to draw maximum readers, you must be heedful when creating your book cover design. Let’s go through some of the factors that have made a great book cover design so important.
Captures audience
An engaging book cover design has the potential to capture the attention of your target audience within a few seconds. The more attractive the cover, more readers it will attract. A great cover has the power to make your book stand out among the competition.
Garners a second glance
An attractive cover design has a lot of elements to draw the readers’ attention and make them know the difference as well. A book with a great cover design can’t be ignored and will stand out to be more interesting among the competition.
Portrays to have more value
The truth is most people are drawn to an intriguing and attractive book cover regardless of how dull the subject matter in the book is. A reader prefers a well-designed book and creating a well-designed cover can help you compete with experienced authors in the market.
First impressions count
It’s true! The first impression always counts and the cover is the reader’s first interaction with the book. It helps in introducing your story to the reader, which encourages him/her to read it further.
Facilitates the creation of snapshots
It is the book’s cover that enables the reader to create an initial opinion about your book and decide whether to read it or not. Hence a well designed cover is very important as it can lead the reader to skim inside the book for additional information.
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