An ambitious history that is trying to fulfill its intention by destroying the present in hope of a beautiful future.
The author creates magic using mystery & a historic setting by a means of a distilled timeless wisdom passing from Gurus and tries to portray an attempt of the same being shattered.
Call it Indus Valley Civilisation, Mohenjo-Daro, or Harappa, this story is being graved so deep that it is unbelievable coming to any conclusion.
Devanav is an effort to solve this mystery, through its eternal literature, it will move deeply & inspire an individual to become the kind of leader who touches lives, adds true value to the world & leaves a legacy that lasts just like the evolving character in the novel Parvanali.
The book is a journey that will take Parvanali across the length & breadth of the mysterious East where he searches for the truth.
PS: This book is the research work on Vedas & Puranas for nearly three decades.
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