A lot of companies have fallen prey to data breaches involving
customers’ credit and debit accounts. Private businesses also
are affected and are victims of cybercrime. All sectors including
governments, healthcare, finance, enforcement, academia etc. need
information security professionals who can safeguard their data and
knowledge. But the current state is that there’s a critical shortage of
qualified cyber security and knowledge security professionals.
That is why we created this book to offer all of you a summary of the
growing field of cyber and information security along with the various
opportunities which will be available to you with professional cyber
security degrees. This book may be a quick read; crammed with plenty
of information about industry trends, career paths and certifications
to advance your career.
We all hope you’ll find this book helpful as you begin your career and
develop new skills in the cyber security field.
“The cyber threat to critical infrastructure continues to grow and
represents one of the most serious national security challenges we
must confront. The national and economic security of the United
States depends on the reliable functioning of the nation’s critical
infrastructure in the face of such threats.” -Presidential Executive
Order, 2013 (Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity)
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