War of the Roses is a collection of different kinds of poems – love poems, hate poems, dream poems, sad poems and happy poems, philosophically contemplative poems interspersed with the downright comic, verging on stupidity.
Often without rhyme and sometimes even without reason, these poems seek to capture the sameness in the pattern of lives we live everywhere, throughout time and space, and attempt to effectively articulate the anguish born from the mad desire of every rose for peace, love and permanence in a fast-changing world plagued by the thorns of greed and chaos.
But above all else, the book is intended to be a question, to every reader who cares enough to listen, for every ear that hears the groans of a mute planet, and every soul that sees through its entrapment in a blind world.
It is a question the book itself could not answer, much less the writer.
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