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Tag Archives: Author Blogs

“Write to express, not impress”: Manjula Reddy on her poetry collection

Manjula Reddy on her latest book, "She Writes"

At what age did you start writing?  As a child, I read quite a lot. So the writing came quite naturally to me. I had a few pen-pals in different countries, and corresponding with them was fun. I learned to express myself and describe aspects of our culture on limited space on a postcard, an […]

“I show up at the page every day and just write”: Sharang Sasan on writing his debut book

Sharang Sasan - author of "Hey You Rock Buoy, Stop Talks!".

At what age did you start writing? I started writing at a young age. Probably when I was 11 or 12, I used to write a lot of short stories. Letting the imagination run wild and writing became a great outlet for my creativity at a pretty young age. Name a few authors/ books that […]

” I believe writer’s block is a fragment of our own imagination”: Revathi Iyer on her journey as an author

Revathi Iyer, author of "Syra's Secret"

At what age did you start writing? It is hard to pin a number, but I began as a closet writer at a very young age. I had this habit of talking to my diary. That was perhaps the start of my writing phase. I can’t really remember what went into it, but it was […]

“Your book should be your contribution to the society”: Smita Jayakar on her writing journey

Self-published authors in India

At what age did you start writing? I started writing at the age of 55 years. Name a few authors/ books that you personally admire the most (Fiction/Non-Fiction).  I prefer reading spiritual books. I have read only spiritual books in the past 25 years. I like reading books of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. My personal favorite […]

“The Resignation Letter didn’t come to life, it was my life”: Baljeet Randhawa on #1YearOfTRL

1 year of The Resignation Letter

At what age did you start writing? Being an introvert, I started taking resort in writing quite early. I guess I started when I was nine or ten. I used to write diary entries and poetry back then. Mostly personal stuff, but yeah, and then I started enjoying it. I remember when I was twelve, […]

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